Fan Concert Diaries #1: King 810 in Manchester 2018

October 30, 2020

For as long as I can remember, concerts have always been my thing. Something that sets rock and metal shows apart from the rest though is the sense of community within the crowd. There’s just nothing else like it. This shit show of a year has been hard enough. The lack of live music has made it even harder. Because of this, I’m launching Fan Concert Diaries as a way to help bring our heavy music community together again. This week heavy music fan Amy tells us one of her favorite concert memories of King 810 in Manchester (UK) in February 2018. Check it out below:

King 810 in Manchester Diary 1

Fan Concert Diary #1: King 810 in Manchester (UK) February 2018

King 810 played a small venue in Manchester (UK) and after having an awesome time in the mosh pits, I decided to crowd surf. Thinking back no one else had actually crowd surfed at this gig but at this point I hadn’t realized [that], so I went ahead with it. I soon found out why…

There was no barrier and before I knew it, I rolled right onto the stage and was absolutely bewildered to see David Gunn TOPLESS right next to me, screaming his lungs out! I thought I had died and gone to heaven. 🤣 But I was in such a state of shock and confusion that I ran straight to the side and made my exit. In hindsight, I should’ve jumped straight back into the crowd but I was so surprised and just assumed I’d make my way to a barrier, not right onto the stage! 😂

Did you see King 810 in Manchester (UK) in 2018?

I wish I did! I’ve seen them before and it was awesome. This show, however, sounds like it may have been one for the records books.

Let me know if you were at this show in the comments below!

King 810 in Manchester 2018 story

Have a favorite concert memory you want to share?

I want to hear it so I can possibly feature it here! Click here for directions on how to send in your story.