

The Kardashians: My Metal Girl Opinion

In my Instagram story over the weekend, I asked what hot topic you wanted me to discuss on YouTube this week. And to my surprise, the majority of you wanted to hear my metal girl thoughts on The Kardashians. As always, this video may or may not be what you think it is. Today I’m giving you my unpopular metal girl opinion on The Kardashians – a name that strikes fury into some in the metal community by just a...

Netflix Metal Lords Movie Review

Let’s face when movies or tv shows are targeted at metalheads, they’re usually either really good or really bad. So how does the new Netflix series Metal Lords fair? Watch my review of Netflix’s Metal Lords in today’s YouTube video. And don’t forget to subscribe to my channel so you never miss a video! Check out my Etsy Shop! As an independent publication, The Versatile Virgo is supported by its audience. Check out my Etsy shop for some cool merch...

6 Pieces of Advice For New Bloggers

Advice For New Bloggers: What I Learned In 1 Year

It hard to believe that it’s been almost a full year since I started blogging! I say almost one year because I didn’t publish my first post until April 28, 2020. However, I technically started my blog in December of 2019. Frustration and anxiety initially took over when I first started and I almost gave up. But I picked it up again and found my passion. Since that time, I have learned so much and it took a lot to...

World Suicide Prevention Month

National Suicide Prevention Month: Resources & Info

Mental health is something I have struggled with throughout my life due to past trauma and I continue to battle with it everyday. If it’s not something you’ve experienced personally, perhaps you know someone that does. It can be debilitating to the point that it effects everything you do and many suffer in silence for fear of what will happen after asking for help. According to the World Health Organization, over 800,000 people die due to suicide every year. It...

Ways to Help Support the Black Lives Matter Movement

It’s been a while since I’ve posted on here and for that I’m sorry. With all that has been going on in the United States, it just hasn’t really felt right to post about anything else and I wanted to leave room for other voices to be heard. I’ve been more vocal on my Instagram account simply because I have a larger reach there at this time, but I also wanted to provide some information here that I’ve found on...

Review of Netflix’s “The Stranger”

Feeling like you’ve watched everything that has ever been created at this point? You’re not alone. We’ve been keeping really busy here trying to start our own garden and doing yard work, but the last couple of weekends it has been extremely cold, rainy, and we’ve even had some snow. Needless to say, we’ve spent a lot more time physically in our home recently and we too felt like we’ve ran out of things to watch. That was until we...