Advice For New Bloggers: What I Learned In 1 Year

April 15, 2021

6 Pieces of Advice For New Bloggers

It hard to believe that it’s been almost a full year since I started blogging! I say almost one year because I didn’t publish my first post until April 28, 2020. However, I technically started my blog in December of 2019. Frustration and anxiety initially took over when I first started and I almost gave up. But I picked it up again and found my passion. Since that time, I have learned so much and it took a lot to get me this far. My blog is still very young and I have so much more I can’t wait to share with you. However, today I wanted to do something different and share some advice for new bloggers based on what I’ve learned in my first year.

My Advice For New Bloggers After My First Year of Blogging

Things can be kind of confusing when you first start a platform, especially a blog. Over time, things will start to flow so much easier, but in the beginning it can feel pretty defeating. It doesn’t help that there is a lot of incorrect information out there hiding under the guise of entrepreneurial type blogs. Don’t get me wrong, there are some fantastic influencers and bloggers within that niche. But you tend to learn from experience which of these sources is most reliable.

That’s why I wanted to share with you some of the things that I don’t think are talked about enough when starting a blog. These 6 tips are some of my best advice for new bloggers in 2021. Let’s get started with the basics.

Tip #1: Learn SEO

Learning SEO, aka Search Engine Optimization, was one of the most frustrating things for me when I first started blogging. I watched numerous videos, read various articles, and it still sounded so confusing to me. Finally, I saw a video that Vanessa Lau did on YouTube explaining it, and something clicked.

All of your blog posts should be written based on SEO if you want them to appear in the rankings on things like Google. With that being said, there is no simple answer on becoming the first result of millions for a certain topic. There are numerous factors taken into account, including the number of visitors you have per month. However, writing your posts for SEO is the first step you can take as a beginner to achieve that goal. It’s also helpful to know this for other platforms like YouTube and Pinterest so you can optimize your posts for those search engines.

Tip #2: Focus On Your Content

This is probably the number one piece of advice for new bloggers, as well as other content creators. While social media can be good at times, it can also be a bit of a black hole. It is so easy to get sucked into platforms like Instagram because it’s built on the idea of instant gratification. But you must stay focused on your goal, which is creating quality content for your audience.

You might decide you want to focus your efforts on social media only instead, and that’s totally fine. But your efforts should still be focused on the content you’re creating, not the amount of followers you’re getting. Say it with me: number of followers does not equal your click through rate, nor does it equal an actual income. (If that’s why you’re starting a blog to begin with.) Speaking of that,

Tip #3: Keep In Mind That Blogging Is Not A Get Rich Quick Scheme

While yes, you can make money from a blog, that doesn’t mean it’s a good way to make a quick buck. There are SO many sources that make it seem that way, but it’s just simply not true. There are also SO many sources that tell you if you’re not making a certain income in X amount of time, you must be doing something wrong. This is also just not true.

I think blogger Sophia Lee said it best on her YouTube channel. If you have an idea for a blog based on your interests, it is absolutely possible to see success. But everyone’s path is different, and success happens at different times for everyone. This leads me to my next point.

Tip #4: Don’t Compare Where You Are To Others Who Came Before You…Or Anyone For That Matter

Things like the time you’re starting, and even the niche that you’re in plays a huge part in how quickly you can monetize your blog, as well as other factors. Because of this, you can’t compare the results you’re seeing to someone else that came before you, whether they’re in your niche or not. So if you haven’t been able to make blogging your new full time job in 6 months, don’t let that make you think it can’t happen. Patience and consistency is key.

Tip #5: Take Breaks When Needed

You have to listen to your body. Blogging is a passion of mine and I’d prefer to be writing than watching tv sometimes. However, it can still be draining especially if you’re also promoting your blog with other social media platforms. If you start feeling like you’re spinning your wheels, it’s time to take a break. Then, you can come back recharged. Trust me when I say, you’ll see a difference in your content if you do.

Tip #6: Support Your Fellow Bloggers and Content Creators.

I feel like this should go without saying, but apparently there’s still some people out there that need to hear this. Supporting other creators is so important. I feel so very fortunate to have been able to connect with other like minded individuals this past year. It’s truly an amazing feeling cheering each other on and creating this strong sense of community when there is so much negativity out there.

This Advice For New Bloggers Is Based Solely On My Personal Experience.

However, these are all things that I think my fellow bloggers would agree are common obstacles that you may encounter in your first year of blogging. Blogging may not be easy, but if you’re passionate about it, the rest will fall into play. I hope these tips will help you in times where you may be struggling or need some extra motivation.

Looking for Music to Jam To While You Set Up Your Blog?

Check out what I’ve been headbanging to lately here, and don’t forget to check my Instagram story for your heavy song of the day.