Metal Music


New Music Monday

New Music Monday: May 25, 2020

Looking for some new music to jam out to this week? Check out these new tracks. All of these songs can be found on Spotify or online. 1. “You, Me and the Devil Makes Three”- RXPTRS RXPTRS just released this new track at the beginning of this month. The strong, versatile vocals in this song definitely make it stand out, and that combined with it’s fast paced, exciting nature make this song something that should be played as loud as...

Mandatory Quarantine Listening: “Macro” by Jinjer

In order to keep my sanity during these crazy times we are living through, I’ve been making it a point to listen to different albums in their entirety. Some are those that I still can’t get enough of, even after listening to it 6.8 billion times, and others are new albums from artists that I am just discovering. All of them having something very simple in common: if you haven’t listened to these albums, you need to do so RIGHT...