New Music Monday: June 29th, 2020

June 29, 2020

New Music Monday

June has been a month for the record books to say the least. Finish this month on a high note with these new tracks!

P.S. Don’t forget to check out my Spotify playlist which has these songs already curated for you!

1. “Nobody” – Decayer

Arizona’s Decayer is back with their first single since their 2019 album release ‘End Note’. This brutal deathcore banger will be on the band’s new EP ‘Shades of Grief’ which is set to be released on July 31st and based on what I’ve heard so far, I can’t wait.

2. “Gods & Machines” – Bury Tomorrow

British metalcore quintet Bury Tomorrow released this incredible track last Friday. It will also be on their latest album ‘Cannibal’ that is due out on July 3rd. I have been loving the new music Bury Tomorrow has put out recently so this is another release that I am super pumped for.

3. “(F)Inally (U)Nderstanding (N)Othing” – Emmure

This killer track is from Emmure’s latest album “Hindsight.” I more than likely will be writing another post just for this album because it is INSANE and I absolutely love it but in the meantime I still wanted to highlight one of their new tracks here. This song was perfectly chosen as the opener on this album because as Frankie puts it in the lyrics, “you go hard but not like this.”

Have you listened to these new tracks yet? Tell me what you think in the comments!