“I.I.R.” by Lung Glass [Exclusive Premiere & Interview]

August 1, 2021

"I.I.R." By Lung Glass Premiere

Scotland’s Lung Glass is back and heavier than ever with an exclusive first look at their new EP, Impact. Injury. Recovery. Today, the band shares the first taste for what’s to come with the title track “I.I.R.”. Filled with catchy riffs, aggressive vocals, and unstoppable drumming, “I.I.R.” will have you banging your head the second you hit play.

Lung Glass’s new EP, Impact. Injury. Recovery. drops on August 13th. However, starting today you can headbang along with me to “I.I.R.” below, which can only be heard here until the EP’s release!

I chatted with Lung Glass drummer, Kyle “Hendo” Henderson, about Impact. Injury. Recovery. as well as the band itself. Read our interview below!:

Lung Glass Premiere “I.I.R.” & Share Details On Their New EP, Impact. Injury. Recovery. & More

Impact. Injury. Recovery. By Lung Glass
Impact. Injury. Recovery. Cover Art

VV: Lung Glass debuted in the height of the Covid 19 pandemic and your first 4 singles were written and recorded remotely. What prompted you to start a band, and did any of you play together before this project?

Hendo: Me, Scott and Stewart were in a band before called Retract The Accolade and had met up and got drunk and talked about doing something since we hadn’t made music together since RTA disbanded. So we were just messing about with riffs and things and when Covid hit we really started to focus on writing properly and releasing some songs. I had been in a band with Fin called Coffin Hands but we never released anything except one track on Bandcamp. But he is an excellent musician, producer, and engineer so that is how he got brought in, where as Lee hasn’t played with any of us before but had played gigs with Scott and Stewart and that is how he linked up. Fin and I also have a project called DSRTR that has music on Spotify, etc.

I remember Scott sending through the riff for “World” (“A World We Don’t Know”) and us arranging and writing that song. Fin then came in with the bass and we didn’t know how we were going to top it but then Lee added his vocals and it all fell into place and we knew we were onto something.

How did you come up with the name Lung Glass?

Hendo: It was a name I had come up with for a solo project I had been working on and never put anything out. The name came from something being so important but so frail.

Lung Glass Quote From Hendo

The tracks on Impact. Injury. Recovery. are some of your heaviest yet. What was the inspiration behind the direction you went with this EP?

Hendo: I feel like the band is starting to find our stride with our writing and recording. It’s been unusual not being able to be in the same room and make changes organically but we are all on the same page when it comes to writing for the song. Scott really brought it with the riffs on this and we had a great time bringing them to life. Fin also tried loads of new mixes before he found the sweet spot on these tracks. Plus Lee and Stewart were instrumental in adding character and mass to them.

What was the writing process like?

Hendo: All the songs start with Scott. He brings them to us as full songs and then we have fun cutting them up and changing parts/tempos and arranging them into the songs on the EP,. After that it’s anyone’s game to add parts. Sometimes Stewart will add a lead and Lee is done with vocals. [Then] Fin gets hold and does bass and mixing. Other times Lee will fire in vocals first, etc. It’s just who is vibing it at the time.

You recently posted on Instagram that you all were finally able to play together in a room for the first time. What was that experience like?

Hendo: IT WAS AWESOME. I haven’t personally played in a live setting in a few years so I was super stoked on it. But hearing the songs live was such a pleasure so we will be doing it live for sure.

Lung Glass Exclusive Premiere of "I.I.R."

Where to Listen to Lung Glass

Listen to Lung Glass’s previously releases, keep up with them on social media, or pick up some merch here.

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