Municipal Waste


Municipal Waste Electrified Brain Album Review

In today’s YouTube video I’ll be giving you my first impression of the new album from Municipal Waste, Electrified Brain. Watch the video below and don’t forget to subscribe to my channel! CHECK OUT MY ETSY SHOP! As an independent publication, The Versatile Virgo is supported by its audience. Check out my Etsy shop for some cool merch to help support my mission to spread the word about heavy music, and all the cool things that come with it! OTHER APPLICABLE LINKS FOR TODAY’S VIDEO:...

Stoner Metal Songs To Jam To This 4/20

For generations, stoners have been hiding in this shadows. But with medicinal and recreational weed finally being made legal in multiple states throughout the US, the stigma around marijuana use is changing. People from all walks of life will celebrate 4/20 this year; some for the first time. No matter how you spend it, you’ll definitely want to make sure your 4/20 plans include headbanging to these stoner metal songs. I already put all of these stoner metal songs in...