Arch Enemy


NEW Arch Enemy: Deceivers Album Review

Fans have been waiting for the highly anticipated new Arch Enemy album, Deceivers, for quite some time. Now that’s it finally here, does it live up to the hype? I’m breaking it all down for you in today’s YouTube video where I review this new Arch Enemy album we’ve all be waiting for. Watch my video reviewing Deceivers below. And don’t forget to subscribe to my channel so you never miss a video! CHECK OUT MY ETSY SHOP! As an independent...

Amon Amarth in Brussels: Fan Concert Diaries #2

If you’ve ever lost your friends at a concert, you know it can be stressful. It always seems to happen right when the band you’ve been waiting to see starts to play, too. This week metalhead Pascal tells us about the time he helped a fellow concert goer at Amon Amarth in Brussels, Belgium on November 26, 2019. Check it out below!: My latest concert story [is from] November last year. [It was] Amon Amarth, Arch Enemy, and Hypocrisy in...